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Liberia COVID-19 Cases Update: 3 new recoveries Thank God

2 new cases confirmed and 3 new recoveries reported from Montserrado County, as of 10:00 PM, May 1, 2020

We at Techealth Liberia are happy that people are recovering and we hope and pray that more people recover soon from this Coronavirus.

Key Highlights

  • 2 new cases as of 10:00 PM, May 1, 2020
  • Total Confirmed cases in Liberia are 154.
  • Total Active Confirmed cases in Liberia are 88 as of 10:00 PM, May 1, 2020
  • Total Deaths in Liberia is 18 as of 10:00 PM, May 1, 2020
  • Total Recovered cases in Liberia are 48 as of 10:00 PM, May 1, 2020
  • Contacts under follow up are 753(7 new)

Confirmed cases by county:

  • Grand Kru (1)
  • Margibi (3)
  • Maryland (1)
  • Monteserrado (141) 2 new
  • Nimba (6)
  • River Gee (1)
  • Sinoe (1)

Case by Gender

  • Female 47(0 new)
  • Male 107 (2 new)

Deaths by County:

  • Montserrado (14)
  • Margibe (1)
  • Nimba (3)
  • Maryland (0)
  • Grand Kru (0)
  • River Gee (0)
  • Sinoe (0)

Recoveries By County:

  • Montserrado (48) 3 new
  • Margibe (0)
  • Nimba (0)
  • Maryland (0)
  • Grand Kru (0)
  • River Gee (0)
  • Sinoe (0)

Death by Gender

  • Female 5 (0 new)
  • Male 13 (0 new)

Recovery by Gender

  • Female 18(1 new)
  • 30(2 new)

Location of Deaths

  • Death in Treatment Unit 1(0 new)
  • Death in health facility 6 (0 new)
  • Death in community 11(0 new)


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