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Liberia COVID-19 Case Update: 5 New Recoveries | Thank God

9 new confirmed cases (Lofa 1, Montserrado 8), 1 new death (Lofa), and 5 new recoveries (Margibi) reported as of May 21, 2020.

We at Techealth Liberia are happy that people are recovering and we hope and pray that more people recover soon from this Coronavirus.

Key Highlights

  • 9 new cases confirmed as of 10:00 PM, May 21, 2020.
  • Total Confirmed cases in Liberia are 249.
  • Total Active Confirmed cases in Liberia are 89 as of 10:00 PM, May 21, 2020.
  • Total Death in Liberia is 24 as of May 21, 2020.
  • Total Recovered cases in Liberia are 136 as ofMay 21, 2020.
  • Contacts under follow up are 475 (28 new)

Confirmed cases by county:

  • Gbarpolu (7)
  • Grand Bassa 4
  • Grand Kru (1)
  • Lofa (1) 1 new
  • Margibi (18) 
  • Maryland (1)
  • Monteserrado (209) 8 new
  • Nimba (6)
  • River Gee (1)
  • Sinoe (1)

Case by Gender

  • Female 87 (2 new)
  • Male 162 (7 new)

Deaths by County:

  • Gbarpolu (2)
  • Grand Bassa (0)
  • Grand Kru (0)
  • Lofa (1) 1 new
  • Margibi (1)
  • Maryland (0)
  • Montserrado (17)
  • Nimba (3)
  • River Gee (0)
  • Sinoe (0)

Recoveries By County:

  • Gbarpolu (0)
  • Grand Bassa (0)
  • Grand Kru (1) 
  • Lofa (0)
  • Margibe (5) 5 new
  • Maryland (0)
  • Montserrado (127)
  • Nimba (1)
  • River Gee (1) 
  • Sinoe (1)

Death by Gender

  • Female 6 (0 new)
  • Male 18 (1 new)

Recovery by Gender

  • Female 50 (4 new)
  • Male 86 (1 new)

Location of Deaths

  • Death in Treatment Unit 2 (0 new)
  • Death in a health facility 9 (1 new)
  • Death in community 13 (0 new)


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